Tuesday, October 26, 2010

An Excuse From The Trenches

Hi Kelly,

Your mix is coming soon. Really, it is. Like, Friday at the latest. The thing is, I've been working on it pretty regularly for almost a month now, and what happened is that sometime last week I got horribly sick of all the music I had chosen and lost the ability to determine whether or not songs were, well... "good." So I stepped away, and came back last night with a vengeance. We've got content. We've got a song order. We've got a CD case and sleeve designed and ready for build. Mostly. I might need to cop a glue stick from work.

Oh yes, Kelly, it's coming together.

But you've gotta hang on for a couple more days while the final cuts are made and last necessary tweaks to the order emerge. Getting from 2 hours to 1 is a challenge! High School was long!

Once it's received, I'll happily share more of the mix-making experience, post the mix, and if desired, some of the background for each choice, and in some cases, why songs are where they are.

Basically what I'm saying here is: hang on. Your mix is coming, and when it gets there, its delay won't have been caused by any lack of effort or thought. That isn't meant, of course, to guarantee that you'll like it. That would be foolish.


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